Thursday, December 2, 2010

Report of third Interview winner.

The winner of my third interview is Lee Pakou. She has taken an interview with the student from Ethiopia. While reviewing her all three interviews, each interview has its own unique style. Her Interview and country report could impress any readers and can take some ideas for writing and conducting an interview. Viewers can easily be impressed with her interview. Her personal thoughts regarding the interview are really impressive. She has tried to make the interview very clear and has included important facts and data about the country. The main thing that I liked most was her interview was very fluent and words were in respective manner. She did a great job with her interview including reference and citation, which I think is an important part for each report. She has put great effort in every topics and all topic are described with full of information. It is very important to know that while asking questions for an interview, the questions should not be open ended that mean not yes no question. Her questions have touched each important topic like cultural, religious and personal background of Ethiopia. Over all Pakou has done great job in writing and conducting an interview, however, if she would had included some pictures to write her country report then that would be the plus point for her report.

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